----------------------------------------------------------------- HyperACCESS for OS/2 Host Commands ----------------------------------------------------------------- This file contains a summary of commands which HyperACCESS for OS/2's Host mode makes available to callers, and to the operator of the Host PC. The Host PC operator can assign different types of access to callers. If you are a caller, and you have questions about the privileges that the Host PC operator has assigned to you, please check with the Host PC operator. Please note that, as the Host PC operator, you may log in to Host PC locally (i.e., from the keyboard of the Host PC) by pressing , but only while Host is NOT waiting for calls. This enables you to test Host mode, without the need to call in from another PC. This document contains separate sections which discuss: 1. - Commands available to all callers 2. - Commands for callers with download privleges 3. - Commands for callers with upload privileges 4. - Commands for callers with file management privleges 5. - Commands used in batch files NOTE: Options in brackets [] indicate optional parameters. Options separated by the pipe symbol | are mutually exclusive; you may specify just one of the given choices. ------------------------------------ 1. - Commands available to all users ------------------------------------ HELP [topic] Displays the list of commands the caller can enter to control the answering PC. For more detailed help, enter HELP followed by any command shown in this section. QUIT, BYE or DONE Ends the call. CHAT Puts the Host PC into chat mode, so the caller can type messages to the Host operator. If the Host operator is there, he and the caller can take turns typing. To return to the host prompt, either may type . DIR [options] [path][filename] Displays directories of files on the Host PC's disks. The filename can contain a drive or directory, and * or ?. Callers who are restricted to a particular directory or drive cannot examine files from other areas. Options /P Pause between screens /N New (long name) format /O:x Sort by order. Where x is one of the following: N Sort by Name E Sort by Extension S Sort by Size D Sort by Date /S List files in subdirectories CHDIR path CD path Changes to the current directory of the Host PC. (The current directory is shown within the Host prompt). Callers who are restricted to a particular directory or drive can change to its subdirectories, but cannot change to other directories. CLS Clears the Host PC's screen and places the prompt in the upper left corner. ------------------------------------------------- 2. - Commands for callers with download privleges ------------------------------------------------- NOTE: To make the Host PC send files from a directory AND it subdirectories, callers can enter HSEND, ZSEND, YSEND, GYSEND or KSEND, followed by a space, /S, and a filename. For example: HSEND /S \DB\*.DAT would make the Host PC send files with the .DAT extension from the \DB directory and its subdirectories. SEND filename Sends a file from the Host PC to the caller's PC using Text protocol. Only ASCII files can be transferred with Text protocol. After entering this, the caller instructs the communications software on his computer to capture text that displays, then types to make the Host PC begin sending. Callers can type to suspend, and to resume, and to cancel during the transfer. HSEND [/S] filename Sends a file or files from the Host PC to the caller's PC using HyperProtocol. This command can be used only by callers whose communications software contains HyperProtocol. For a single file, the caller enters HSEND and a filename; the filename can include * or ? to specify file groups; multiple filenames can be entered separated by spaces. After entering this, the caller instructs the communications software on his PC to begin receiving. XSEND filename Sends a file from the Host PC to the caller's PC using Xmodem protocol. Since Xmodem cannot transfer multiple files, the caller must enter the name of a single file without * or ?. After entering this, the caller instructs the communications software on his PC to begin receiving with Xmodem protocol. YSEND [/S] filename Sends a file or files from the Host PC to the caller's PC using Ymodem protocol. For a single file, the caller enters YSEND and the filename; the filename can include * or ? to specify file groups; multiple filenames can be entered separated by spaces. After entering this, the caller instructs the communications software on his PC to begin receiving with Ymodem protocol. GYSEND [/S] filename Callers can use this command to make the Host PC send with Ymodem-G protocol, which is faster than Ymodem. Instead of acknowledging each received packet, it simply aborts a transfer if an error occurs. If both computers have HyperProtocol, use it instead for the fastest, most reliable transfers. ZSEND [/S] filename Sends a file or files from the Host PC to the caller's PC with Zmodem protocol. For a single file, the caller enters ZSEND and the filename; the filename can include * or ? to specify file groups; multiple filenames can be entered separated by spaces. After entering this, the caller instructs the communications software at his end to begin receiving with Zmodem protocol. KSEND [/S] filename Sends a file or files from the Host PC to the caller's PC with Kermit protocol. For a single file, the caller enters KSEND and a filename; the filename can include * or ? to specify file groups; multiple filenames can be entered separated by spaces. After entering this, the caller instructs the communications software on his PC to begin receiving with Kermit protocol. TYPE filename [/C] Displays contents of a text file stored on the Host PC. Callers can use the text capture feature of HyperACCESS to capture the text to a file. During the display of the file, HyperACCESS will display one screen at a time, then give the caller the option to display another screen, display the file continuously, or quit. The caller can type to suspend display, to resume, and to cancel. If /C is specified, the file displayed without the "More, Nonstop, Quit (M/N/Q) [M]?" prompt after each page. ----------------------------------------------- 3. - Commands for callers with upload privleges ----------------------------------------------- NOTE: When telling the Host PC to receive a file by typing HREC, ZREC, KREC, YREC, or GYREC, callers can use these upload options: /O Overwrite This causes the Host PC to overwrite existing files when it receives files with the same filenames. /N Newer This causes the Host PC to overwrite existing files when it receives identically named files with a more recent time and date. /P Path This causes the Host PC to store files using directory names included in received filenames. (When sending the files, the caller needs to instruct the communications software on his PC to send the filenames' paths with the files.) REC filename Makes the Host PC receive a file from the caller's PC using Text protocol. Only ASCII files can be transferred with Text protocol. After entering this, the caller instructs the communications software on his PC to begin sending the file using Text (or ASCII) protocol. To indicate the end of the file, the caller can either type or enter a period on a line by itself. HREC [/O] [/N] [/P] [path] Makes the Host PC receive a file or files from the caller's PC using HyperProtocol (this command can be used only by callers whose communications software contains HyperProtocol). To have the Host PC receive into its current drive and directory, the caller enters just HREC; to have it receive into another drive or directory, he enters HREC and that drive or directory; to have it receive a file and store it under a certain name, the caller enters HREC and that filename. After entering any of these, the caller instructs the communications software on his PC to begin sending with HyperProtocol. XREC filename Makes the Host PC receive a file from the caller's PC using Xmodem file transfer protocol. XREC must be followed by a single filename, which cannot contain * or ?. After entering this, the caller instructs the communications software on his PC to begin sending using Xmodem protocol. YREC [/O] [/N] [/P] [path] Makes the Host PC receive a file from the caller's PC using Ymodem protocol. To have the Host PC receive into its current directory, the caller enters just YREC; to have it receive into another drive or directory, he enters YREC and that drive or directory. After entering this command, the caller instructs the communications software on his PC to begin sending using Ymodem protocol. GYREC [/O] [/N] [/P] [path] Through modems with error-correction, callers can use this command to make the Host PC receive with Ymodem G protocol, which is faster than Ymodem. Instead of acknowledging each received packet, it simply aborts a transfer if an error occurs. If both computers have HyperProtocol, use it instead for the fastest, most reliable transfers. ZREC [/O] [/N] [/P] [path] Makes the Host PC receive a file from the caller's PC using Zmodem protocol. To have the Host PC receive into its current directory, the caller enters just ZREC; to have it receive into another drive or directory, he enters ZREC and that drive or directory. After entering this command, the caller instructs the communications software at his end to begin sending using Zmodem protocol. KREC [/O] [/N] [/P] [path] Makes the Host PC receive a file from the caller's PC using Kermit protocol. To have the Host PC receive into its current directory, the caller enters KREC alone; to have it receive into another drive or directory, he enters KREC and that drive or directory. After entering this, the caller instructs the communications software on his PC to begin sending using Kermit protocol. -------------------------------------------------------- 4. - Commands for callers with file management privleges -------------------------------------------------------- COPY source [destination] Copies the source file(s) to the destination file, drive, or directory (similar to the OS/2 COPY command). This is solely for managing files on the Host PC, not for copying between PCs (which is done with commands such as SEND or REC). ERASE filename DEL filename Deletes the file(s) from the Host PC (similar to the OS/2 DEL command). The filename can include * or ?. RENAME source destination REN source destination Changes the source filename to the destination filename. The destination filename cannot already exist. MKDIR directory MD directory Makes a new directory on the Host PC (similar to the OS/2 MKDIR command). RMDIR directory RD directory Removes a directory from the Host PC (similar to the OS/2 RMDIR command). Before a directory can be removed, any files and/or subdirectories that it contains must first be deleted. MOVE source [destination] Moves one or more files from one directory to another directory on the same drive. The filenames can include * or ?. Source and destination cannot be the same. --------------------------------- 5. - Commands used in batch files --------------------------------- HyperACCESS has the ability to execute batch files (.BAT) from the Host prompt. In these batch files, you can use any of the above commands, plus the commands below. Such batch files are typically created and maintained by the Host PC operator, working at the Host PC. However, you can also create batch files on other PCs and uploaded them to the Host PC for execution. Any caller can execute batch files present in the directories that caller is authorized to access; any commands within the batch file that are beyond that caller's privileges are ignored. CHOICE [/C] [/N] [/S] [text] The CHOICE command is used in a batch file program to allow a caller to make a selection. The choice simply returns an errorlevel to the batch file. The batch program must include subsequent commands that act upon every possible condition and errorlevel. Parameters: Text This is the text specified in this parameter is displayed to the user before the prompt. If it is necessary to use the switch character (/),include your text in quotes. If text is not specified, CHOICE will only issue the prompt. Switches /C This switch defines the allowed keys in the prompt. Each choice will be separated by a comma. The choices will be enclosed in brackets and a question mark is displayed at the end. If this switch is not specified, the default choice of [YN] will be used. /N This will allow CHOICE to display a prompt without displaying the available choices. The text before the prompt is still displayed, and the choices defined with /C are still valid. /S This switch makes the available choices case sensitive. By default, CHOICE accepts both upper and lower case as the same value. Example: CHOICE /C:yn Do you want to continue? IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO end IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO continue :continue echo You chose to continue :end Displays to the caller: Do you want to continue? [Y/N?] NOTE: When checking the errorlevel returned by CHOICE, you must check the highest errorlevel first in order for this command to work properly. ECHO [ON | OFF | Text] ON displays all commands to the screen as they are run. OFF stops the display of commands on the screen. Text Displays the "Message" regardless of the current state of ECHO. PAUSE Pause execution of a batch program. When the batch interpreter encounters a pause command, the following message is displayed: Press any key when ready... The batch program continues after the user presses a key. REM [comment] Allows comments to be added to the batch program. Any line preceded with REM is ignored by the batch interpreter. GOTO label Transfers control of the program to the label. Label names begin with a colon. Label names cannot contain periods. IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL x IF [NOT] string1 == string2 IF [NOT] EXIST path Allows conditional processing of batch commands. If the condition is true, the command is executed, otherwise it is skipped. NOT reverses the true and false value. IF ERRORLEVEL is true if the previous program had an exit code equal to the number or higher. IF string1 == string2 is true if the first string matches the characters in the second string. IF EXIST is true if the filename is found in the specified directory.